Don't SUCK at AI

Episode 10 - Steve Cadigan, Former LinkedIn CPO & Best Selling Author of WORKQUAKE - joins us for a look at how PEOPLE are the KEY to successful AI in this new work model.

John Lindsey Season 1 Episode 10

You already know Steve Cadigan is “the goto source” when it comes to questions about leadership, talent, culture and most importantly the future of work.  But we flip-the-script on the former Chief People Officer at LinkedIn & Silicon Valley Legend and talk to Steve about how people are also the key to successfully implementing (AI) Artificial Intelligence.  We tackle the “FEAR of losing jobs to technology” narrative head-on and Steve provides some language that can help us as leaders to get our team onboard with all this technology & disruption and actually advance your skillset and increase your value to the company!


It’s an encouraging message of how incredible the Post WORKQUAKE future of work can be if we learn what’s important and heed the QUAKE-UP-CALL !

John provides Intro on Company and Guest Background:   00:37 – 02:13

Steve gives an overview of his background and the company:   02:14 - 05:36

Don't SUCK Fun Fact about Steve:   05:37 – 08:42

Steve discusses how he was able to out-recruit big TECH giants in Silicon Valley by flipping-the-script (hint: if you are having trouble recruiting tech resources today, you are going to want to listen to this!):   08:43 -  18:17
Steve shares why he believes that “Learning Velocity” is one of the most important values in the job market of the future.  (ie.  It’s not what you know, it’s what you CAN know).  So technology professionals DON’T MISS THIS, it’s your potential that’s your value!!:  18:18 -  24:14
Steve discusses how NEW leadership skills can impact a company’s ability to deploy successful AI!  We have always said technology is EASY, most tech projects fail due to people.  Steve gives leaders language that can be the difference between AI being scary and something people FEAR to something people embrace as being beneficial to them and their career:   24:15 – 31:08

Steve gives us some insight on what leaders need to focus on in a climate where AI is producing so much DATA!   Steve advises us to be an “information broker” more than an “information gatherer” or decision maker.  Listen as he describes why :   31:09 – 39:25
Steve looks into the AI crystal ball and predicts what he sees in the very near future as it pertains to AI, remote work, scheduling & compensation in the new working model:   39:26 – 41:57
42:48 Contact Info:

Company Site:



Conclusion:  43:40

Bob Miller Intro with Music Fade